How to Draw Bo-Bomb from Mario Bros - Easy Things To Draw

How to Draw Bo-Bomb from Mario Bros - Easy stuff To Draw 
Here we will discuss how to draw Bo-Bomb from Mario Bros. We will discuss methods to draw a Bo-Bomb from Mario Bros develop some better understanding of some skills of good drawing. In this method we will draw Bo-Bomb from Mario Bros as follow: How to Draw cool things.

Make a circle for the entire shape of Bo-Bombette and then add one face guide. Next, thicken the very shape you just drew in step one to make her body bolder and darker, and then draw out the stem of the bomb top where the wick will go. 

Draw in the twisted twirled wick, and then detail the cap. Next, draw out the wind behind her back and move to the last drawing step. Lastly, draw out the eyes, color them in and then draw in her feet or shoes like so. 

Erase the visible guides and then move to step five where you will get a good look at what she looks like. Here is how your drawing looks once you are all done. Color her in and that's it, another character from Mario is all drawn out.

Let’s discuss another method about Bo-Bomb from Mario Bros as follow:

Again, make a big round shape for Bomb's body guide and then sketch in the facial guidelines, arms, and legs. Using the lining you made in step one, begin drawing the actual shape of the body which is just the guidelines defined. 

Draw the feathery arms and hands, then proceed to step three.  We will cap off the bottom of the body by drawing the thighs, legs, and feet. Tackle the face by first drawing the eyebrows and outline for the beak/mouth. 

  • When that is done you will draw in the tuft of hair on the head which looks like a feather wick. 
  • Lastly, draw the eyes and mouth line and then draw the marking on the belly which will enable you to color in Bomb in a two-toned fashion. Erase the mistakes folks and then get rid of the guidelines. You are now ready to color in Bomb from The Super Mario.
  • Let’s discuss the last method as follow: Make a circle for the body, then sketch in the facial guidelines. Thicken the shape of the body then proceed to step three. 

Next, use the facial guides to draw the eyes. Color in the pupils, then draw the eyebrows like so. Draw in the beak, then draw the one feather on the head. Add the marking line on the belly, then draw the small dot in between the eyes. Erase the mistakes then you're done. Color in your drawing to finish things off.
